pbdXGB: Programming with Big Data -- Extreme Gradient Boosting
An pbdR
Source: pbdXGB_0.90.0.2.tar.gz Archive
Author | Wei-Chen Chen [aut, cre] (pbdXGB and MPI C implementation), Drew Schmidt [aut] (pbdXGB examples and rabit C api), Tianqi Chen [aut] (xgboost implementation), Tong He [aut] (xgboost implementation), xgboost R authors and contributors [cph] (some functions are modified from xgboost package), XGBoost contributors [cph] (base XGBoost implementation), R Core team [ctb] (some functions are modified from R) |
Maintainer | Wei-Chen Chen <wccsnow@gmail.com> |
Version | |
License | Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE |
Depends | R (>= 3.6.0), xgboost, pbdMPI |
Imports | Matrix, stringi, methods, stats, data.table |
SystemRequirements | OpenMPI (>= 1.5.4) on Solaris, Linux, Mac, and FreeBSD. MS-MPI (Microsoft MPI v7.1 (SDK) and Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2 MS-MPI Redistributable Package) on Windows. |
Compiled? | yes |
URL | http://r-pbd.org/ |
BugReports | https://github.com/snoweye/pbdXGB/issues |