tasktools: Tools for Task Parallelism with MPI
Tools for task-based parallelism with MPI via 'pbdMPI'. Several utilities are provided, each with an apply-like interface. There is support for 'pre-scheduling' tasks as well as a "load-balancing" mode that farms them out from a central process. Finally, the functions support 'checkpointing', which allows the task runs to be interrupted and restarted from their last completed task.
Source: tasktools_0.2-0.tar.gz Archive
Author | Drew Schmidt [aut, cre], ORNL [cph] |
Maintainer | Drew Schmidt <wrathematics@gmail.com> |
Version | 0.2-0 |
License | BSD 2-clause License + file LICENSE |
Depends | R (>= 3.1.0), pbdMPI (>= 0.4-3) |
Imports | crlapply (>= 0.1-0) |
Compiled? | no |
URL | https://github.com/wrathematics/tasktools |
BugReports | https://github.com/wrathematics/tasktools/issues |